Dermatology as a Medical Specialty

Dermatology is the medical specialty that relates to any concern that pertains to the skin, hair and nails. We understand the relationship between internal disorders, the environment, and skin. Our training allows us to make accurate diagnoses by carefully examining the skin, taking skin samples, performing allergy patch testing, or having blood tested. Once a diagnosis is made, the appropriate medical and/or surgical treatments are recommended.

We use a range of simple to highly sophisticated instrumentation to obtain the best possible cosmetic and functional results. These techniques include cryotherapy (freezing) or photodynamic therapy to remove precancerous growths and warts, and surgical removal of tumors accompanied by the necessary reconstruction.

Laser and IPL® (Intense Pulsed Light) treatments are available in our office. Laser technology is helpful in treating facial veins, birthmarks, pigmented lesions and tattoos. Photo rejuvenation can be done in a series of treatments to help with skin tone, pigmentation and texture. ADC offers the following medical and surgical treatments.

 Meet our Medical Providers (See Biographies)


Medical Services


Complexion concerns are among the most common cases we see here at Advanced Dermatology Care. We offer a wide variety of treatment options, and our medical providers are dedicated to selecting a personalized treatment plan that is best for each individual patient.

What Causes Acne?

The natural oils in your skin carry dead cells from beneath the skin to the surface. These oils travel along hair follicles that grow out of the tiny pores in your skin. This process keeps your skin healthy and looking its best. But when these follicles become blocked, the skin cannot rid itself of dead cells and oil. Acne results from this blockage.

If you have persistent acne, it’s important to visit with a dermatologist to get at the root of the problem.

Clear Your Skin with Advanced Dermatology Care

At Advanced Dermatology Care, we provide a variety of treatment options to help you feel comfortable in your skin. We offer medical and cosmetic treatments to improve the look of your skin.

Our Acne Treatment Options Include:

  • Medical Evaluation
  • Topical Medication
  • Retinoids
  • Oral antibiotics
  • Isotretinoin
  • Blue Light Therapy
  • Laser
  • Acne Peels
  • Cyst Injections
  • Microdermabrasion
  • Surgery


Consult with your medical provider to find the best treatment path for you!


Age Spots

It’s time to face the fact: we are all getting older. Unfortunately, along with the passing of birthdays, comes the aging process of our skin. While age spots are 100% normal, and commonly genetic, sometimes minimizing or eliminating the appearance of age spots can help us to feel more confident and younger! Who doesn’t want to look as young as they feel?

Visit Advanced Dermatology Care today, to discuss diagnoses and treatment options for your specific skin aging concerns.


Treatment Options:

  • Topical Medications
  • Alpha or Beta Hydroxy Acid Creams
  • Bleaching Creams
  • Chemical Peels
  • Cryosurgery
  • Laser
  • Microdermabrasion
  • IPL®
  • Photodynamic Therapy


Treatment options for Age Spots vary in effectiveness depending on the type of age spot and the individual patient. Consult with a medical provider at ADC to discuss the best options for your unique concerns.

Eczema & Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis, or eczema, is a common skin condition that is frequently described as “the itch that rashes.” Intensely itchy patches eventually form. These patches can be widespread or limited to a few areas. Scratching often leads to redness, swelling, cracking, “weeping” of clear fluid, crusting, and scaling of the skin.

Atopic dermatitis can be a lifelong condition. Fortunately, for may it tends to become less severe with age. In teens and adults, patches of atopic dermatitis are typically dry, may look discolored, and also may be scaly or have thickened skin.

Who Develops Atopic Dermatitis?

  • 10-20% of children and 1-3% of adults develop atopic dermatitis, making it the most common type of eczema. While rare, atopic dermatitis can first appear at puberty or later.
  • For than 60% of people affected, atopic dermatitis begins during the first year of life, and at least 80% have the condition before age 5.

What are the most common locations for atopic dermatitis to occur?

  • During the teenage and young-adult years, the itchy patches often develop on the elbows and knees.
  • Other common sites for these patches are the hands, feet, ankles, wrists, face, neck and upper chest.
  • It should be noted that patches are not limited to the areas listed above; they can appear anywhere on the body, including around the eyes and on the eyelids.


Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating)

Is excessive sweating getting in the way of your day-to-day activities? Do you feel self-conscious, like you constantly need to be putting on deodorant? Have you tried every single over the counter solution under the sun?

Excessive sweating is a common medical condition called Hyperhidrosis, that often needs to be maintained with prescriptions and/or medical injections or procedures. Visit Advanced Dermatology Care for a medical evaluation of your excessive sweating.

Where on the body does Hyperhidrosis occur?

Hyperhidrosis can occur in various locations on the body. Some of the most common locations we treat at ADC include underarms, hands, and groin area.

Treatment Options:

  • Topical Medication
  • Oral Medication
  • Botox Injections
  • miraDry

Moles & Lesions

Do you have a mole that is causing irritation, pain or bleeding? Changing in size, color, or shape? Have you experienced significant sun exposure throughout your life? Does skin cancer run in your family?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it is a good idea to have any concerning lesions or moles evaluated by a dermatology provider.

ABCDEs of Melanoma – Characteristics of moles for which individuals should check their skin.

One of the key educational tools used to train physicians, medical personnel and the general public on how to recognize early melanomas is the ABCDEs of Melanoma Detection.

  • Asymmetry (one half unlike the other half)
  • Border (irregular, scalloped, or poorly defined)
  • Color (varies from one area to another; shades of tan and brown, black; sometimes white, red or blue)
  • Diameter (the size of a pencil eraser or larger)
  • Evolving (or changing in size, shape or color)

When to see a Dermatologic Care Provider
If a mole seems worrisome, displays one or more of the ABCDEs, or is new and looks unusual, promptly make an appointment to see a dermatologic care provider.

Most moles are not melanoma, but a dermatologic care provider can assure you that the mole is harmless, or perform a biopsy to check the mole. A biopsy, which involves removing the mole or other suspicious lesion and examining it under a microscope, is the only way to confirm that a lesion is skin cancer.

Treatment Options:

  • Medical Evaluation
  • Biopsy or Shave Removal
  • Liquid Nitrogen (for warts, irritated lesions, and precancerous lesions)
  • Photodynamic Light Therapy (for precancerous lesions)
  • Chemotherapy Cream (for precancerous lesions & sun-damaged skin)
  • Excision (for benign and malignant lesions)


Do you have more than 3 spots of concern? If so, we ask that you schedule a skin cancer exam, so we can designate the necessary amount of time for a thorough exam.

Nail Issues

Pain, discoloration, irregular symptoms, and abnormal growth of the nail or nail bed are all reasons to seek medical advice. Even a subtle abnormality can be a warning sign for a more serious issue. Since the causes and symptoms for different nail conditions can vary among individuals, it is important to visit the clinic for a thorough medical evaluation of your specific concern.

Treatment Options

  • Medical Evaluation
  • Culture
  • Topical Medication
  • Oral Medication
  • Laser


Psoriasis is a medical condition that occurs when skin cells grow too quickly. Miscommunication and faulty signals within the immune system cause new skin cells to form in days rather than weeks. The body does not shed these excess skin cells, so the cells pile up on the surface of the skin, forming plaques and lesions.

What are the signs and symptoms?

About 80% of people living with psoriasis have plaque psoriasis, also called psoriasis vulgaris. Plaque psoriasis causes patches of thick, scaly skin that may be white, silvery, or red. These plaques can develop anywhere on the skin. The most common areas to find plaques are the elbows, knees, lower back, and scalp.

Lesions vary in appearance among the various types of psoriasis:

  • Plaque
  • Guttate
  • Pustular
  • Inverse
  • Erythrodermic


Unfortunately, there is no “cure” for psoriasis. The good news is there are many treatment options available to help patients manage and minimize the symptoms of psoriasis.

The treatment options we provide at Advanced Dermatology care include:

  • Topical Medication
  • Oral Medication
  • Biologics (Humira, Cosentyx, Enbrel, Stelara, etc)

Learn about the best treatment option for your lifestyle at your next appointment!



Are you experiencing an itchy, irritating, painful, or concerning rash? Have you tried over the counter products with no results? Is your rash spreading or getting worse? It may be time to see a dermatologist.

Please feel free to make an appointment for a new or concerning rash at any time. We recommend people to visit the clinic if they have had the rash for more than a couple of days, over-the counter remedies are not helping, the rash is spreading, and if they are experiencing moderate to severe symptoms.

Due to the extensive number of causes and types of rashes people can experience, it is difficult to determine the cause of a rash without a medical, and often microscopic, evaluation. If you have a rash that is concerning or interfering with your life in any way, make an appointment with one of our dermatology providers today!

Treatment Options

  • Medical Evaluation
  • Biopsy or Culture
  • Blood Tests
  • Allergy Testing
  • Topical Medications
  • Oral Medication
  • Other


What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is a skin condition affecting the face, neck, and scalp. Rosacea occurs when blood vessels in the center part of the face expand, giving the face a reddened look.


Treatment Options: 

  • Topical Medication
  • Oral Antibiotics
  • Laser Therapy
  • Light Therapy

With rosacea treatments offered at Advanced Dermatology Care, we can manage your symptoms and limit flare ups.

Skin Cancer Exams

Skin cancer is the most pervasive form of cancer in the United States, affecting more than two million people each year. While this form of cancer is the most common, it is also the easiest to treat. You can perform monthly self-checks to detect potential skin problems. If you locate questionable irregularities on your body during one of these self-examinations, contact the skin care professionals at Advanced Dermatology Care for a skin cancer exam in Stillwater, Forest Lake, and White Bear Lake, MN.

At Advanced Dermatology Care, we recommend patients to have a full body skin cancer exam at least once annually. Patients should visit the clinic sooner if they notice any changes or symptoms in any lesions on their skin.

Our medical providers examine as much or as little of the skin as the patient desires. The provider will document all necessary skin conditions (lesions, rashes, warts, scars, etc) in each patient’s chart. Concerning lesions will be treated as the provider deems necessary.

Get a Comprehensive Examination

When you meet with a member of our experienced dermatology team, our doctors will check your body for early signs of skin cancer. During your examinations, we evaluate suspect moles, lesions, and spots for:

  • Asymmetry
  • Uneven boarders
  • Unique color
  • Diameter
  • Evolution

Our dermatologist can identify melanoma, basal cell skin cancer, and squamous cell skin cancer. During your exam, we can remove dangerous growths, and help you take the necessary steps to avoid further risk.

How can I find out more about the diagnoses I am given during my exam?

Ask Questions! Please do not hesitate to ask the provider any questions you may have about the diagnoses you are given during the exam. The medical providers at ADC are dedicated to providing patient education during exams!

We carry brochures from the American Academy of Dermatology for most skin conditions we diagnose at ADC. Ask the provider or MSS staff for brochures and handouts (if not given automatically) about conditions and diagnoses you would like information about.

There are also wound care sheets and treatment option handouts for most procedures we offer in the clinic.


What are the most common areas on the body for skin cancer to occur?

Areas with the most sun exposure and those that have experienced multiple sunburns are most prone to certain skin cancers and precancerous lesions (such as Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, and Actinic Keratosis).

The rarest and most serious form of skin cancer, Malignant Melanoma, can be found anywhere on the body, even in areas that never see sunlight. This is why it is especially important to have a full body skin cancer exam: medical professionals are able to examine areas of the body that we can’t easily see.

Can I have irritated or suspicious lesions treated during the Skin Cancer Exam?

Yes, we offer a variety of same-day treatment options during a Skin Cancer Exam: 

  • Suspicious lesions or rashes can be biopsied and sent to pathology to be viewed under a microscope 
  • Precancerous lesions can be treated with liquid nitrogen during the appointment, or our medical assistants can help get patients scheduled for further clinical treatments 
  • Benign lesions such as warts, irritated lesions, age spots, angiomas, etc can be treated–either medically or cosmetically. Your provider will let you know if treatment of certain benign lesions are classified as “cosmetic” before carrying out treatment.



1 in 5 people will develop Skin Cancer in their lifetime.
Remember always wear your sunscreen!!

  • EVERY DAY use sunscreen
  • EVERY MONTH check your skin
  • EVERY YEAR visit a dermatologist if you are at a higher risk

Skin Discoloration

There are various reasons skin discoloration can occur including: genetics, acne scarring, sun damage, age spots, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (to name a few).  

Treatment Options:

  • Medical Evaluation
  • Topicals (i.e., Retinoids)
  • Chemical Peels
  • Microdermabrasion
  • Light Therapy
  • Laser Therapy

Schedule a clinical visit or a complimentary cosmetic consultation to find out about the best option for you!

Seborrheic Keratoses

Seborrheic Keratoses are benign, non-cancerous growths. Despite their non-worrying status, they can be quite unsightly. They are, however, easily removed by a variety of means.

Treatment Options Include:

  • Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) 
    For treatment of Seborrheic Keratoses. Nitrogen is frozen sub-zero, and then carefully sprayed onto pigmented spots. Depending on the amount and depth of the spray, this destroys the cells. If not all the cells are destroyed, the lesion may recur. If all the cells are destroyed, a lighter area may remain.
  • Retinoids
    Work by exfoliating the dead skin cells, and by actually stimulating the collagen cells in the dermis. A retinoid can be irritating to the skin unless use is begun slowly. Begin with applying a small pea-sized amount, then dotting this on your skin, then gently rubbing it in. Initially use this every third night for several weeks; if no significant side effects (redness, peeling, itching, and dryness) occur, then increase to every other night for several weeks. If your skin is tolerating this well, then increase to every night. For some people with very sensitive skin, initially using a retinoid every third night can even be too much. If so, then use the retinoid every fourth or every fifth night, or even apply if for a few hours and then wash it off, until your skin builds up tolerance. Then gradually increase use as above. As always, sunblock/ sunscreen use is recommended. It is especially important while using a retinoid as it increases sun sensitivity and the likelihood of sunburn.
  • CO2 Laser Resurfacing
    This procedure must be scheduled on one of our laser days, as we bring in advanced laser technology on a periodic basis to our clinic. Laser resurfacing sequentially removes layers of the epidermis/dermis, and allows new skin to form. This procedure requires a period of prolonged healing. It can be very painful. The regenerated skin shows significant redness for at least one month and may persist up to 6 months, and must be protected carefully during the healing.

Vascular Birthmarks

Many babies have what are called “birthmarks” when they’re born or within the first few weeks of life. They can be brown, tan, blue, pink, or red. More than one in ten babies have (red) vascular birthmarks. These are made up of an increased number of blood vessels in the skin. They can be flat or raised, pink, red or bluish in color.

What Causes Birthmarks?

The exact causes of birthmarks are unknown. However, vascular birthmarks are not inherited, nor are they caused by anything that happens to the mother during pregnancy.

What Are the Different Types of Vascular Birthmarks?

There are different kinds of vascular birthmarks. Sometimes, the birthmark must be watched for several weeks or months before the specific type can be identified. The most common types of vascular birthmarks are macular (flat) stains, hemangiomas, and port wine stains. There are also some very rare types of vascular birthmarks.

Macular Stains

The most common type of vascular birthmark that your physician may identify is called a macular stain. They are also called “angel’s kisses,” when they are located on the forehead, eyelids, tip of nose, or upper lip. When they are found on the back of the neck, they are frequently called “stork bites.” Macular stains are faint, mild red or pink, and flat. Angel’s kisses almost always go away by two years of age, but stork bites usually persist into adulthood.


Having warts is not fun; they can spread, produce pain, and even make you feel self-conscious about the way your skin looks. Warts can be extremely stubborn, and sometimes over the counter products just aren’t strong enough–that’s where we come in. At Advanced Dermatology Care, we understand our patient’s frustrations, and are dedicated providing them with the best medical treatment plan possible.

Swift uses microwaves to alert the body to the presence of your wart virus. It’s proven to be highly effective!
Studies suggest that traditional destructive therapy is far less effective than Swift when it comes to Plantar Warts, which are the hardest warts to treat based on their location.
Real world data in the US suggest Swift is over 85% effective when it comes to plantar warts,
which is very, very good based on provider experience.
No post care treatment required, you are able to put your shoe back on and continue daily tasks normally!
This really is one of the true advantages of Swift – no downtime and back to daily life!
Contact us for more details!

What causes warts?

Warts are caused by a viral infection of the upper layer of the skin. They can spread to other areas of the body, and to other people. Warts may develop several months after the initial contact, so it may be difficult to identify from whom or where they were contracted.

Treatment Options:

  • Liquid Nitrogen
  • Blistering Medication
  • Laser
  • Excision
  • Swift Wart Treatment

Warts in children will occasionally disappear without treatment; though, this may take several months to several years. Adults are less likely to experience natural resolution of their warts and generally require treatment. There is no major problem with having such a viral infection. However, since warts can spread to other areas of the body or to other people, and can be unsightly and uncomfortable in certain locations, we generally treat them.

The key to treating warts is persistence. We recommend patients return to the clinic every 2-3 weeks, until normal skin lines are present.

30 Years of Excellence in Medical, Surgical, and Cosmetic Dermatology Care.